The kids are finally going to the groomer tomorrow. Holy shit thank the Unimind. They resemble bear cubs currently. It was fine for most of the winter but I had to brush them both out twice so the groomer would not yell at us and just give them both buzz cuts. They were not happy with me.
I did not go to the gym this morning as I did not sleep well. I had one particularly odd dream where I was at the office, a co-worker threw chocolate milk on me, ruining my shirt. I of course had to go get a new one. I recall saying I had to have a Thomas Pink one. I ended up in some warehouse with a sales person I am friendly with who works at Zenga. He sent me to the dressing rooms- int he basement of course which morphed into caves with doors. I got in a fight with someone who stole my dressing room, went back upstairs only to catch the husband trying on new shoes (he is a shoe whore fyi) because they were on sale. He was upset I caught him. then I woke up. There is some sort of serious issue there I am sure some therapist would love to tell me about
I did hit the dojo- Cobra Kai never die!- tonight. I had a shitty partner. Young kid, probably no more than 16, who is impatient, immature and hence insecure. I was trying to be a good partner, telling him to slow down, do the drills the way joshu instructed us to, etc. He does not know how to take constructive criticism. I should have known as everyone avoided him like the plague when it came time to partner up for drills. It is too bad to as he has great potential and if he can learn at least patience he will be very good.
This just in- the Fukishima incident is not at all like Chernobyl....oh wait it is now rated a 7 nuclear event. Actually the first part of that statement is still correct- Chernobyl was a 6!
So the season finale of "Being Human" was pretty good. What is it with every writer of vampire stuff that says the vampires have to have a queen? Seriously- why can't it be a king or emperor?
Planning on hitting the pool tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed but definitely banged up after first time back in the dojo- sweep the leg!- in about three months.
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