No gym this morning as I did a pretty significant work out yesterday. When I got on the bus though I did notice a damn cute guy in a suit. He sat a few seats in front of me on one of those bench seats that face the aisle so I got a good look at his profile and his mug. Started the day right.
By the time I sat down at the desk it was a frackin' white out. I could not see New Jersey which is often the case in inclement weather but what really got me was I could not even see the building across the street. It was pretty wild.
I was reading the website of the local paper from the hometown and I read abut three fork lifts being stolen. My first though was how the frack do you steal fork lifts? Seriously- is there a big underground market for fork lifts? Are there fork lift chop shops through out the Rust Belt? I was wondering how they actually got them out of there? Apparently they had a tractor trailer waiting to load them on. It sounds like an inside job to me as the keys for the fork lifts were still at the warehouse.
Quick interlude: The husband is watching the Olympics and complaining about why figure skating is on prime time. I explained to him it is the largest draw audience-wise so it gets the best time slots. He just yelled you have to come here and see this outfit. The skater is Johnny Weir and the first thing out of my mouth is he is obviously out. The next comment is his costume would do Jimmy MacElroy proud- right up there with the peacock outfit.
So the cute guy in the compensation department who does the race with us in June got a hair cut. As I was walking by him and another co-worker today I blurt out Faux-hawk!
I read how they have found huge crystals in a cave 900 feet below the ground in Mexico. They say they were created by gypsum being parboiled by magma heated water. I say the whole structure looks eerily like the Crystalline Entity and I think they should destroy the damn thing before it does to us what it did to Omicron Theta...
I love JW. He and I definitely do not agree on what role government should take in peoples lives but we both have twisted senses of humor. He is self-identified as crass. I prefer morbidly funny. It started when he had a post script on an email saying that when he read the title of a news story "Deadly Luge incident" all he could think of was that would be a great name for an indie-alt rock band. I added in it should be fronted by Mama Ganoush. who is Mama Ganoush you ask? Well one night JW and his domestic partner JD were having dinner with us. We got on the topic of drag- I know, shocker for gay guys- and what name would you use? I said I would use Clea Media. JD said Chaka Cohen (he is of Jewish descent). JW's family also hails from the Levant but is not of Jewish descent and said he'd like Mama Ganoush. I can picture the album cover already...
One of the things that makes me nervous about us buying the house is that I keep reading how there is still a huge"shadow" inventory of houses just waiting in the wings. Some estimates are five million. Regardless it makes me wonder if we are early on this trade but we are not doing it to make money; as the husband said we will now have a roof over our heads when we are old, retired queens.
I am getting very nervous about the whole Iran situation. We now have the U.S., France and Russia all getting more hard line in rhetoric. You also have Iran saying the West will "regret" sanctions. I don't see how this will end well.
So the civil unrest is apparently starting in earnest. It seems an office of JPM in Greece was bombed this afternoon NY time. I am not sure it is a sign of things to come but who knows. I stand by my prediction the EU will break apart. I probably am off on timing but the end of 2011 is a good bet.
Two hours at the dojo- sweep the leg!- tonight. The hot guy with the same name as me was there. He has a serious sleeve tattoo I had not noticed before. It is all druidic, tree of life looking. I am just going to refer to him as shaman from now on- no not the former member of Alpha Flight.
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