So I woke up very sore and tired this morning but headed off to the gym anyways. I am glad I did as Full Lower Lip sat next to me on the bus! He is still pretty frackin' hot and I almost stopped playing bridge on my iPod to text the husband but then determined that would be a bit too obvious. He has hair back to Jersey boy faux spiky style. It looks much better than the Gordon Gecko slicked back style he had going for a while there. Best part- his pant leg brushed my sweats- OMG, OMG, OMG! LOL.
The run was not fun this morning. I am continuing with limited to no heel contact even though the husband has chided me for it. I got 3.3 miles done in 30 minutes which is ok. My calves are becoming inured to the discomfort that style of running produces.
I knew it was going to be a long day when I was getting dressed and a button fell off my shirt but I did not feel like looking for it. Then I was doing my coif and realized I did not rinse out the conditioner. Guess what? I said fuck it and put the godddman product in anyhow. Seriously, I am not out to impress anyone at the gym or the office. I then almost bumped into orange toe nails walking out of the locker room as well.
Mr. Barrett is coming to town tomorrow to go to Blow Up. He gets in around 5 PM and is staying with friends up in Harlem. The husband and I are going to meet up with him for drinks and dinner before he goes off to Blow Up as he will have some time to kill. It will be good to see him. The husband has not yet picked a place for our rendezvous.
I have the boys this weekend but it is a bit complicated. My oldest- the one on the honor roll- has a science fair Saturday. Apparently the schedule is that he has to be at the school at 9:30 in the morning to set up his display. He has a hour for that to be done. Then he is to return around 11:30 to give his presentation. That is to wrap up by 1 PM. At 2:30 the fair is opened up to friends and family and that ends at 3:30. The ex called last week and suggested because the schedule is so elaborate it might be easier for all involved for me to just come to the fair at 2:30 and then the boys can come home with me after it is done. I thought about it and decided it was a good game plan.
So Shaman- I overheard his full name at class. I of course google stalked him today. Found him on the tome of mugs too, lol.
Am I the only one who thinks the real problem with the country is that Congress is a bunch of fucks who are not doing their job? Seriously? Isn't their job supposed to be to take care of the finances and write laws? They can't even do that correctly. The President has set up a committee to handle the tough decisions that need to be made. I have some issues with that as it seems yet another encroachment by the Executive branch into the Legislative branch's purview. It also is a way for the President to dodge forcing Congress to do their job- since it appears his main goal is to make sure everyone likes him and thinks he is a great guy. He can also then say that when taxes get raised on EVERYONE that it was not his doing, it was the committee he appointed that made the choices.
So, the Fed goes all Chinese on the markets. After the close they announce they are increasing the discount rate to 75 bps. That is a 75 bps increase by the way since it was effectively zero even though officially it was a range of zero to 50 bps. They then had the balls to say it is not a policy change. Really? I may be a dumb delta one type of guy but it sure as hell seems like a policy change to me. I read after the close some pundit trying to make a distinction that it is a credit policy change not a monetary policy change. Really. Well last I recall what caused all the shit that has hit the fan over the past two years was a credit problem not a monetary problem. Seems to me they are splitting hairs as credit and money are fungible. It will make for a fun day tomorrow since tomorrow is also an options expiration day. Can you say volatility?
I picked up the clothes from the husband's tailor that I dropped off a month ago. The guy did a very good job. I modeled them for the husband when I got home and he approved. One of the items was what I mistakenly called a blazer. The husband corrected me and said it was sport coat. I felt like I was in that scene from The Devil Wears Prada where the protagonist is educated about the difference between blue and cerulean. For the record a blazer is a specific type of sport coat- it is Navy. So all blazers are sport coats but not all sport coats are blazers. I can now die a happy man....
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