I had a nice surprise yesterday. The ex called to let me know that the boys had a half day and she and he beau were coming into the city so she said she'd drop them off at the apartment. That made for an unusually nice Friday where I did not have to put a little over 100 miles on the truck.
The boys got dropped off and we went and got the Christmas tree. The husband insisted we do it this weekend after the debacle of last year. Last year we never got around to doing it so we just put all the gifts under the palm plant we have- and no the palm plant was not decorated.
I got to sleep in late this morning- 8:30 qualifying as late. We all then got in the car and hit TGT and HD. The husband had to return something at HD. Then we went to TGT because the boys wanted to do some Christmas shopping for their cousins that they are going to see on Christmas break. they were bragging that they had brought their money so I said good you can use your own money for the gifts you buy for your cousins. My oldest was shocked I'd make him spend his own money. He did it anyways. The boys did well on their gift choices which I of course was asked to wrap for them.
We got home, ate some lunch then decorated the tree. Of course some of the freakin' lights don't blink like they are supposed to but at this point I and the husband don't care as we at least actually got a tree and decorated it. Then we had a debate on to have a tree skirt or not. We ended up deciding to get one but of course at this point you can't find one. So I hit the CVS on the slim chance they would have on and of course I scored. We now have a Buffalo snow with ice crystals tree skirt. Then I put all the presents under the tree. The funny thing is our older dog stood there for a while looking up and I know he was thinking what the fuck, the candy canes are too high for me to get.
We went out for dinner and then hit the movies. The only one that we could see at 8 PM that was acceptable for all four of us was 2012. The husband was psyched as he has wanted to see it since it came out. I did not and the boys were indifferent. I have to say it was actually not that bad of a flick. The boys said the same thing.
Tomorrow (technically later today as I write this) we have no set plans except for the husband and I are going for a run. I was considering taking the boys ice skating at the rink in front the building but it looks like it is going to rain.
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