Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ahh the book club

Seriously, who gives a shit about Tiger Woods? Or should we call him by his new name-Cheetah Woods? What is the difference between an SUV and a golf ball? Tiger, um I mean Cheetah, can drive a golf ball 300 yards.

One thing I forgot about Thanksgiving was the boys and their mom and grandmother went out for dinner at a restaurant. I asked them how much they ate and my oldest said a lot. My youngest of course had chicken fingers to which my oldest said he should have at least ordered turkey fingers in the spirit of Thanksgiving.

Speaking of the boys, my youngest has chicken pox. He is psyched as he gets to extend his Thanksgiving break by a week. I can't recall if his older brother had them (I know I am such a bad father) but when I asked if he thought he'd get them he informed me he was immune to them.

There was a hot blond guy on the PATH yesterday morning. I kinda couldn't keep from checking him out but pretty sure I was not caught.

The book club was a big success. The husband made his meatloaf and then made me live up to my joke of being the hired help and had me make the rest of the meal. I was referred to as hypermasculine and told I looked very Breaking Bad. That is what shagginess, a sick '70s pornstache and a Kiwanis hat can do for you...

At one point I heard one of the book club members mention he thought we should always host the book club. My thought- unvoiced- was No fucking way! LOL. It is a lot of work. Everyone loved the new home and the views of the NYC skyline.

The husband left this morning for a much needed vacation after having been worked like a dog for the past three and a half years. He went of to Miami with ST and PJ. He gets back Friday afternoon.

Home improvements as a source of new job creation? I am a bit incredulous that that is the best the President can come up with for his jobs summit. I did not watch his address about Afghanistan as once I saw the term limited surge used I knew it was going to be a half assed measure. I really do think we are living through the second Carter Administration.

In our ongoing debate about health care reform Ragnar and I have agreed that we, as a civil society, do have an obligation to attempt to make sure the citizens are healthy but it is not necessarily a citizen's right to have health insurance; at least I think we agreed on that.

Can't really hit the gym in the mornings this week as the husband walks the kids in the morning and with him on vacation I am filling in.

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