This morning the bus's A/C was blasting cylinder bore. It was very nice on the bus as it is pretty damn muggy outside. The funny thing though was when I stepped off the bus the heat and humidity hitting my cool glasses caused them to fog up.
I went across the street in the morning to get some Skoal as I had none at the desk. I walked into the bodega and behind the counter (the owner knows me well enough now that I can get it myself, lol) and got two tins. I got in line and the guy in front of me kept asking which were the cheapest cigarettes. The owner gave them to him. The guy then turned around and looked me right in the eyes and said the following: "Know the rules of Puerto Rico. Those who don't create oxygen get nuclear fire." My response was "Sure, yeah, ok." It was weird and I imagine Stephen King used that line in one of his books- Trashcan Man comes to mind,lol.
I was planning on leaving early today to get even more packing done. Thankfully it was slow enough that I could do it. The husband met me and we took the bus back. We did some more packing and then the husband met with a painter to see about getting an estimate for the new apartment. The guy is nuts. He wanted to charge us $5400 to paint a two bedroom apartment! And he wanted cash! you've got to be fucking kidding me. Seriously, I'll paint it myself even though after painting the current place I swore never again.
We packed and then caught up on Warehouse 13. The lead is pretty cute and the husband kept asking if he was on Buffy. I don't answer him when he asks that anymore since I have explained to him several times David Boreanez was Angel and is currently on Bones.
The whole health care reform issue I believe can really be boiled down to one question: Is health care a right or not? I personally do not believe it is a right. The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness are rights. Access o government subsidized and mandated health care is not. I read an ok essay about it and the guy made a great point. He argued if health care is a right then why isn't it your right to travel faster than the speed of light? Yes a bit extreme but you get the point. You can claim something as a right but that does not make it a right. I claim it is my right to win the Mega Millions but that does not mean it is a right.
President Obama is correct about scare tactics. He said people involved in the debate should not be resorting to them. I agree. I find it despicable that some are using the Holocaust as an analogy to health care reform. But I also find it flawed, hollow and a scare tactic as well to claim those who use that analogy are in the Holocaust denial camp. Seriously. Why don't we get down to the facts of what will change and what will not. I imagine if it is laid out in simple terms for Americans to understand both sides will not be happy with the outcome. The White House because they will not get their stated goal of fully socialized medicine and the parties arrayed against them because then the really bad things the insurance companies do to people who actually need the insurance. God forbid the people are ever given all the facts- it's all about spin and sound bites.
Funny how certain analysts who are well regarded on bank names were saying a month ago you have to own them. Today the same people come out and say the banks are running on fumes.
i think the most interesting news out today is the Japanese price decline. Could a nation of savers do that here? I don't know right now :-\
I think the response to the oxygen comment is. "and those that dive the waters will see the end of the sky"!
Timba arms closed!
OK so can we agree to call health care a "nice convenience" if we can't call it a "right"? I don't need a public library or road maintenance but I sure am glad to have them there. I would like this nice convenience there should I ever lose my job or have to haul my brother to a public clinic to cure a boil on his hiney.
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