The weekend was a blast out at the beach even though the husband was not there. Mr. Barrett, Mr. Clifford, CS, PF and DR were very good company. The boys from DC got there ahead of myself, PF and DR. I actually picked them up off the street corner on my way to the midtown tunnel- it was kind of ghetto. We caught the boat and stopped at the liquor store as I had received a text informing me the house needed more booze. The proprietor was giving away free shots of tequila- just what I needed.
We pre-gamed at the house and then all changed into clean underwear,met up with TK at the bar and hit the underwear party. It was a blast! The term that comes to mind is hot tranny mess- actually make that plural- messes.
Saturday night we went over to the Grove and hit Summer Snaxx. It was fun and TK introduced us to a famous writer's son. The funny thing was we all later were commenting how he was checking everyone out. Mr. Barrett had it right when he said he looked like a miniature Wolverine.
So DIS bought MVL. I am so bummed MVL sold out. I liked them as an independent company but that is how markets work. The husband was nearly put into the penalty box when he asked me "Captain America is DC right?" I called him a heretic and said he may have to sleep in the boys room for the rest of the week.
I heard this voice on BBRG that sounded like what I imagine a Thai lady-boy to sound like. I looked up and it was a rather well followed analyst for a major i-bank who is all Asia all the time. I almost burst out laughing.
So the thing I noticed fro the overnight session was a story out of China. apparently some state controlled businesses are going to unilaterally invalidate many contracts they have to hedge commodity exposure because the financial losses are too great. That is the problem with a state controlled economy. The state can and does always change the rules. It really gets to the heart of what constitutes a free market. The basis of free markets is property rights plain and simple. If the government can and does ignore them or even outlaw them then how can you say it is a free market? I still don't get why everyone seems to believe that the Chinese Communists are "good" Communists and yet the Soviets were "bad?"
I checked out some of the coming soon movies on the web. Daybreakers looks interesting and so does House of the Devil. What I was floored to see is that Let The Right One In is already slated to get an American make-over next year. Seriously- we can't do our own vampire flicks anymore? Doesn't anyone recall Thirty Days of Night?
Hit the dojo tonight. When I got home it was right in the shower to prevent any more ringworm and then a lot of Icy Hot on certain sore areas as a preventative.
Back to the gym tomorrow morning as I skipped swimming this morning; I was resting up from the weekend at the beach with friends. Dinner tomorrow night too with MP.
I read on wiki today how there actually is a condition called oxygen toxicity. It made me think of the song Love Is Like Oxygen and the band Sweet- no clue why, just a random closing.
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