We opened the beach house this past weekend. Everything looks pretty good but we think the pool may have a leak. We notified the owner and he said he'd look into it. We went to Tea and it was fun. There were more people out there than I expected for the pre-season. JB was out there too so he invited us for dinner. We left tea with him and had a great time. I texted mom as she and dad have met JB many times and really like him a lot. She was jealous. When we got home we lit a fire, watched some t.v. and went to bed.
From a training prospective I have been pretty good this week. Monday I swam 1250 yards and biked 14 miles. Yesterday I ran outside after work with the husband because my business drinks got cancelled. We did four miles in just over thirty two minutes which I thought was a great pace for two forty somethings. There were also a few cute guys we passed while running. This morning I got a little over 2000 yards off in the pool. The only thing that sucked was I had to share the last eight minutes or so with a woman who was at least seventy five years old and she had a lame arm I think because she kept hitting me with it.
The Fringe season finale last night was a really great episode and the ending showed some serious balls. What a mind fuck. If you don't watch the show you should solely because of the character Dr. Walter Bishop- John Noble I believe is the actor and he is great in the role. It started late because of that waste of programming called American Idol. We caught the end of it and the kid singing Aerosmith's Crying screams homosexual. The best part I think is his haircut from The Cure. The husband is a huge fan of that band so of course I made a smart ass comment.
IF you had any doubts about the MSM not caring about the truth and only caring about making sales google Shane Fitzgerald and see what he did to the MSM. It proves that they are not interested in the truth. It is out there though and you have o actually work to find it yourself.
So, the EPA under the new Administration has determined that CO2 is a public health hazard. I guess that means I am my own worst public health hazard just as each and every mammal is since we all exhale CO2 every time we breathe. WTF is wrong with these people? It is just another example of the government changing the rules as they reach for an ever more intrusive role in our lives.
Let's talk Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare. Yesterday everyone was buzzing about how the government admitted both will run out of money, i.e. be insolvent, sooner than expected. Ok folks this is a no brainer. When the SSA was set up they created intentionally to take in more than it had to pay out. How you ask? The retirement age was set at sixty five years old. In 1940 the average American only lived to sixty two years of age. So on average they would always take in more than they had to pay out. To solve it all all we have to do is raise the retirement age to just slightly above the average life expectancy.
I am surprised there has not been more attention paid to the fact that the government of Venezuela seized a lot of assets from international oil companies doing business there. Apparently it is not a big deal since out own government is making a similar grab but starting with our own companies first.
I was chatting with PF today and he used the word fierce. We got into a discussion about how that is a totally over used word by the gays. We concluded I do not use it enough and am in danger of losing my membership so I need to start using it more often. Hence the title of the post.
1 comment:
I think this post is fierce.
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