It's nice to know my oldest is still my little guy. Friday night when we got home he immediately put on SciFi and started watching Moonlight- a poorly written, derivative of Angel without the humor or David Boreanaz. I commented on the fact I did not know he liked it and asked if he watches it at his mom's house. He said no and his little brother chimed in ever since he got scared after watching Ghost Hunters that one time mom wouldn't let him watch SciFi anymore. Funny because he and the husband watch it all the time here- especially the really bad, cheesy B-list movies. So of course Friday night after they are in bed, about a hour later out came my oldest asking if he could sleep on the couch while I watched t.v. I asked why and he said he was scared from watching SciFi, lol.
Yesterday went and saw Wolverine and I have to say it is definitely only for die-hard fans and young boys. It was pretty good and I would see it again. Hugh Jackman is pretty damn hot and Ryan Reynolds is great in it but there is not enough of Ryan. Liev Schrieber is really good as Sabretooth. My oldest loved it and my youngest thought it was pretty cool too.
It was supposed to rain all day yesterday and it did not rain at all. After the movie we went to the public courts and played tennis. My oldest is getting pretty good at it too. After we walked to Ben & Jerry's for ice cream. We ate dinner late and all I could think of was that Seinfeld episode when Jerry told the guy the idea of a restaurant that served Indian, Mexican and Italian because I had Indian food, my oldest had sushi and my youngest had pizza.
Of course today all the rain that was supposed to be here yesterday is here. We were going to go to the Hoboken Art and Music Festival but not in the rain. We went to Sunday brunch around the corner. My oldest was psyched because it was only $12 for kids 12 and under for all you could eat at the buffet. The eye candy at a Sunday brunch in Hoboken is actually very pleasing to the eye. There were two very hot waiters too and one of them was serving us. When the bill came I realized he was more the dumb blond type. He brought the bill over and charged me for three adults. I called him back and pointed out that the boys were 12 and 9. He brought the new bill over charging me for two adults and one child. I had to call him over again and point out it was kids 12 and under. He gave me a snotty little look and I though Oh Mary, not my fault you are only pretty and not smart too. He finally brought back the bill charging me for one adult an two kids. I debated not tipping him but felt it was not a good idea since both boys said they'd like to go to brunch every Sunday they are with me.
The husband is airborne as I type. He is supposed land around 7:30 which is fine as I can stop at EWR on the way back from dropping the boys off at their mom's house.
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