Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Red Wings arrived

Last night the last of my outfit arrived- the Red Wing motorcycle boots. I tried them on and they fit great.

I have to say I think the EFCA is a complete crock of shit. I have no problem with organized labor- I am a former union member (lol, I said member) and think it has a place in our country and economic system. What I think is bullshit is how they are not allowing a secret vote. That is the whole point of democracy. Everyone gets to vote without anyone knowing who they voted for. Just saying you have enough people interested in a union should not automatically make the place a union shop.

After work today I went to NYU's athletic facilities to swim with the husband. He got his graduate degree there so as an alumni he gets to avail himself of their facilities. There were some cute college guys but I actually swam a half mile. I came home, the husband went to watch the Big East with MP since she has not seen a basketball game in years due to her living overseas.

Tomorrow night we are off to Mount Tremblant for a weekend of snowboarding.

There are some new movies coming out I can't wait to see- The Last House On The Left and A Haunting in Connecticut.

The tape is up over ten percent in three days- woo hoo, open the champagne! Seriously, we haven't even started to get back to the previous levels. Bear market rallies are violent and big; I'd say the past three days prove that statement.

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