Friday's BSG finale was pretty frackin' great. We had the dvr set to record it since the husband was en route to L.A. for the weekend. I watched it solo though and loved it. Afterwards I had drinks with JP to catch up with him.
Saturday morning I slept in kind of late, walked the kids and then got House of the Dead 2 & 3 The Return ready. Mr. Clifford arrived around 12:30. I took the bus in to pick him up. I made him wait for me as I got my haircut at the barber shop near my workplace. I think I got the new kid who just got his barbers license. The kid took forever and finally the old guy yelled at him and finished my haircut. Mt. Clifford had texted me during it about not messing with Zohan.
We grabbed lunch at the diner one block away from the apartment. Then it was right to the Wii. We got our asses kicked. Nap time, we hit the gym- as Mr. Clifford put it to get a pump for the Black Party. After that is was dinner and another nap. We got up and headed down to the PATH. We got on a car with these three straight guys. They noticed I had a dip in and started chatting with me. We discussed the draw backs of Copenhagen and how it is too finely cut. Then one of them asked me if I was going home or going out because I had a bag with my outfit in it. I told them I am going out. They asked where, I told them the Black Party. They asked some more questions and I told them they should google it when they got home and were sober as they had clearly been drinking before going out for the night in the city.
We got to Ragnar's, changed into our costumes, had cocktails and then got a cab and went. There was a huge line and we though great. Ragnar and I walked to the front and were told if we had tickets already (which we did) we could go right in. Mr. Clifford was on the will call line so had to wait a bit longer.
The party was a blast. We spent most of the time out on the dance floor. Ragnar left about a hour before us. I actually saw quite a few people I knew. One of the coolest things was in the front they had all these reptiles. There was a case with these two large black scorpions. When the guy put the black light on them they turned fluorescent blue.
Thankfully Mr. Clifford had a watch and when I asked him what time it was he said 7:30- as in 7:30 AM. So we decided it was time to call it a night. We had no shirts so we had to buy the cheesy souvenir tee shirts. We walked out into the daylight, hailed a cab and went back to Ragnar's to pick up our clothes. Ragnar was asleep so we just grabbed them and then walked to the PATH. We got on and it was like that scene from Animal Hose when they walk into the bar and the music stops and everyone looks. The funniest was this little kid who looked like Chanco from Nacho Libre staring at us. We hopped into a cab and got home. I walked the kids, took a hot shower and then went to sleep. Woke up at 2:30ish, walked the kids again, watched some t.v. with Mr' Clifford then drove him into the city to catch his train back. I went to bed at 9 PM still exhausted.
I did not train this morning. Just wasn't feeling the love. I got a text from the husband around 5:40 telling me he had landed safely. He went right into the office.
The tape was on fire. All because the government gave us more details on the plan but they are still avoiding the elephant in the room which is how the price will be set.
I don't know how I missed this one but apparently if anyone decides to participate in TALF and buy the securities the government has them sign a contract. No big deal, right? Well one of the stipulations of the contract is the buyer cannot hire anyone who has a visa. The means Americans only, no foreign workers. That is a really dumb protectionist thing to do. Protectionism was one of the main causes of the Depression. Apparently we have forgotten those lessons.
We have the FI Share-A-Thon yet again tomorrow.
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