The husband had his company "Holiday" party last night. As he so succinctly put it there would have to be Christians present for it to be a Christmas party. I, my boss, several co-workers and former co-workers met up with an old friend who is in the business for drinks after work at a nice bar in Hells Kitchen right around the corner from the office. This guy is a character in the best sense and I found out he and the boss both attended the same college. I left at 7 and the boss texted me around 8, still drinking with his fellow alum.
When the husband got home we watched the original The Day The Earth Stood Still. The husband had never seen it so I told him it would be a good primer for seeing the remake this weekend with Keanu. The actor who portrayed Klaatu was actually pretty damn handsome.
Heard from JP yesterday,was good to catch up with him even though it was thru email. He is off to the hub of the universe this weekend for work, then back out west and then off to FLA for a half marathon which I commended him for as any run longer than eight miles would not fall into the category of fun and/or enjoyment for me.
Caught an earlier than usual bus this morning as most of the news and emails I was reading made me think getting in a bit early would be prudent. Damn there were a lot of hot guys on the early bus.
B. MadeOff was a ponzi am I not all that surprised? I have been in my line of work for almost twenty years. That firm has always perplexed me wondering how they actually made any money. They always tried to get whatever firm I was working for to do business with them but couldn't as something always felt not quite right. Well now I know how they made money: the old fashioned way- stealing it! The owner lived up to his surname and made off with quite a bit of dough.
So munis seem to be the next ground zero in the ongoing financial morass we are in. I really don't understand why the government doesn't just shut down the CDS market as tha unregulated wild west seems to be where most of the trouble started and can't be stopped as it is a complete cluster fuck trying to untangle the counter-parties. Shut it down and then get every ones house in order and then re-open it (if there is still a demand for such a product) under strict regulation and supervision.
I really want a BDK Alligator Lopper for Christmas. I don't need one but I saw an ad for it n t.v and it is really cool.
I read that bit about Madoff this morning, i was kind of shocked how long he was able to pull off the ponzi. what worries me is my concern that the hedgefund industry is actually riddled with these and they are all set for collapse.
Yeah Municipal bonds ard funds are going to start tanking, my concern is that all the bail out money will be spent long before the serious problems start creeping up. Or they'll just give it away to every large industry with a belly ache.
TDTESS is one of the best sci-fi offerings ever. It's a good thing you showed if to him before he experiences the remake. I'm expecting it to be a train wreck.
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