Sunday, December 14, 2008

No pictures this year

I would have to say the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still was not that bad. It really wasn't a remake, more a re-imagining. It was a good movie for Keanu because he only had 20 lines at most to speak and all of them sounded the same. The lead from Mad Men was in it as well in a bit part though. Gort was way cooler but no one got to say the immemorial phrase Klatuu barada nikto.

Friday night we went to Ragnar's Christmas party. We had a fun time, drank some gluck and hung out with JW and JD.

We had dinner in the city last night with MP. It was nice and relaxing. We got home at a reasonable hour and actually went to bed.

Today we got paint chips for the second bathroom. I thought we were done with all the painting but the husband has decided otherwise. We were going to go see the new Punisher flick but took a nap instead and then ran out to visit my brother his wife and sons. The twins are doing great. One looks just like my brother and is huge- he has a Buddha belly. The other is cute and crawling. Once both of them get mobile my sister-in-law is going to have her hands full.

We stopped at TGT too. Normally we send out photo Christmas cards but just never got around to doing a picture this year so we're sending out regular ones. I also picked up the movie Never Back Down- mainly because of the two hotties in it that seem to be shirtless most of the time.

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