Yesterday was kind of slow at work so I went onto Barnes & Noble's website to see what sci-fi/fantasy books are coming out this summer. I came across a book tilted 2012. It refers to the Mayan calendar. I googled it and learned some interesting stuff. apparently according the Mayan calendar, on December 21, 2012 the current age will end with a bang. Many theories have been posited as to how it will end- some say the second coming of Christ, humanity as we know it will cease to exist and some even say an alien race will attack Earth. It made me remember when we took the boys to see Cloverfield, in the car on the way home I made the boys pinky swear that if a big huge monster ever attacked New York City they were not to come try and find/rescue me and the husband; they are to get their mom to get them in the car and start driving west immediately. No ifs, ands or buts about it (lol, I said but).
Two days ago I got an email rant from Mr. Clifford. As he put it he is annoyed that while he is stuck in the "land of Bel Ami" I go and start this blog and I conspire with Mr. Barrett behind his back to go visit their town. I of course immediately shared the rant with Mr. Barrett. His response was we are Sith lords and we are always conspiring. This is true even though Mr. Barrett is younger than me, he has full knowledge and power of the Dark Side. Mr. Clifford is still an apprentice.
I realized yesterday the husband and I would miss the start of BSG 4.0. Was totally bummed but I am pretty sure it will be replayed. We had a blast at the wedding anyways so I am not upset with missing it.
The wedding was great. The newlyweds came into the reception as Metallica was playing and their first dance was to a non-traditional song: Don't Let Me Down by The Stereophonics. The food was great, the band was awesome- they played everything from Zepplin to Skynyrd to The Rainbow Connection to Justin Timebrlake and even Rhianna. Our table was fun, we got sat with a bunch of co-workers of the groom. The only weird part of the evening was when I was chatting with the lady next to me. Think Odin because she only had one eye. I never realized how difficult it would be to talk to a person with only one eye. I tried to stay focused on the eye but kept drifting over the the other socket while talking with her. Finally I just focused on the bridge of her nose. I asked one of the others at the table if they found it disconcerting as well and was told she was born that way.
The husband looked at me at one point and stated we are the ONLY 'mos here. I said well yes other than the staff we are but who cares? He was on his third appletini at that point. It was funny I never seemed to not have a ice cold Bud at the table, the waitstaff just kept bringing them.
Today I have to bike for some ungodly amount of time, I think almost two hours; let me tell ya that aint happening. We are getting the rugs cleaned and will probably go out tonight.
IS anyone else surprised it took NKOTB so long to do the reunion?
1 comment:
I am not a Sith Lord like the two of you. I follow the Path of the Jedi, if any Path at all. Mostly I just wander too and fro with no clear destination in mind though.
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