Here's the idea: Think remaking of Showgirls but with an added twist- zombies! I have to think that was pretty damn close to the pitch that someone made to get someone else to throw money at a movie being released next weekend called Zombie Strippers. The illustrious cast includes Robert Englund and Jenna Jameson. Will there be a scene where two zombie strippers admit to each other they once ate people food to get by in their youth? The husband is a huge fan of really bad zombie flicks but I think I will have a difficult time getting him to go see this one; my guess is when it comes out on DVD we'll buy it and have a double feature of it and Flight Of The Living Dead.
If you haven't actually perused my Shelfari, let me say I am a huge fan of The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I knew there was one last book coming out so googled it yesterday to find out the title and release date. I find out instead that Robert Jordan died back in October due to some rare blood disease and that Robert Jordan was a pen-name. The final book is being written by someone else using Mr. Jordan's notes, full outline and detailed tapes he left. The title is to be A Memory Of Light and it is scheduled for an October '09 release.
Yesterday a brokerage house had one of their analysts in to discuss his outlook on a certain sector. when it was done and the kid who sits next to me sat back down I told him if I had known the smokin' hot salesguy was going to be in the meeting I would have sat thru the damn thing just to stare at him.
The husband and I went down to centeral Jersey last night to help celebrate a friend's 86th birthday. We had a great time but got home close to midnight. Hence why I did not write last night. I was supposed to swim this morning but have decided I need a week off from training. Tonight I will be attending a golf based charity dinner in the city. I am not a golfer at all but the guy who invited me is a friend and the cause is worthy.
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