So my parents are coming down Friday. I had to get them non-resident parking permits, at $3 each for two days no big deal. While I was there I got my resident permit. I was told the husband will have to pay double what I did since I was there first- LOL.
We all have a wedding to go to Friday night- actually the ceremony is Friday at 4 PM in Hoboken but we won't be able to make it. So we will be going to the reception in the city at 7 PM. It's a black time reception and I've never seen the husband in a tux so I am kind of excited. I bought a tux a while ago but I was still a few biscuits over 210 at the time so even though it is tailored it's a bit loose on me these days. The groom is a kid who I coached in youth lacrosse back in my hometown. He was best friends with my younger brother and now lives in Hoboken. The husband and I have gotten drunk with him and the bride many times and have become good friends with them. My younger bro is going as well but his wife won't be able to make it since she recently had twins.
So every night the husband has a conference call with Asia. Tonight as he was on he muted his phone to ask me about the unusual move in crude oil and natural gas. I told him it was not related to the dollar in any way; I had heard from a couple of smart derivative guys that it was one of two things- either someone was taking off a big trade (selling crude and buying/covering nat gas) or putting on a new trade (selling/shorting crude and going long nat gas). Several minutes later he tells me he did not have his mute on and several people on the call heard him ask me and me explain it.
Since we have now nicely segued into the markets I do need to comment on what the Secretary of the Treasury is proposing. I have no problem with less regulation and one central regulator who has clear checks and balances. I do not agree with the idea of giving the federal government more power though. The line that comes to mind is P.J. Rourke's (and I am paraphrasing): "Giving the federal government money and power is like giving a teenage boy whiskey and the keys to the car." I also don't see the states willing to give up power to the Federal government. If I were a strict Constitutionalist I'd have to argue that the federal government is overstepping their bounds by grabbing power not explicitly given to them in the Constitution which is to be left to the individual states- but I digress.
I ran last night and swam this morning then biked tonight after my dentist appointment. My hip flexors are a bit tender- the husband will have to do all the work tonight...
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