It was unseasonably warm today, I believe it hit 60 degrees and sunny. My day started at 5 AM on the bus into the Port Authority so I could swim in a pool for 32 minutes. The pool was unusually chilly. Then off to work. As for what pays the bills I work in the capital markets. I am a grunt down in the trenches- a trader. I stumbled into it right out of college and like most people on Wall Street and on trading desks especially I got into it because of blood- as in I have a cousin who is a trader and he got me my entree. But I digress...
After work I had to get on the bike for 53 minutes. I am training for a triathalon. It's not until June but I am on a 20 week program because I want to CRUSH my boss in the race. Last year I got shanghaied into the race by my boss' wife and ended up getting beat by both of them; my husband has not stopped giving me crap for "letting" them beat me. So this year I am determined to CRUSH them both.
The positive of the 53 minutes was I got to check out all the hotties. Monday night at the gym is major hottie night; usually the husband and I both are there and point them out to each other.
Tomorrow is my day off so I'll just do free wieghts and some light running. Right now waiting for dinner and watching Family Guy.
Brian Austin Green- I never was a fan of Beverly Hills 90210 but he has turned out quite hot and loved the shower scene in the 2 hur season finale of The Sarah Conner Chronicles. The husband and I are huge Sci Fi geeks- we especially froth over Apollo on BSG. We are probably going to DC for the gay Sci Fi convention our friend Mr. Barrett told us about.
There will most likely be a recurring cast of characters in this blog- friends, hot guys in the neighborhood that we have nicknames for, family and even some randoms.
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