Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Oh Sandy

So Sandy the Superstorm definitely was super.  I am a bit perplexed though as we were told Hurricane Irene was the storm of the century and one tear later we are told Sandy is the storm of the century.  Apparently Irene was the storm of the preceding century, you know 1911 to 2011.  Sandy is the storm of the proceeding century, 2012 to 2112 (at least I hope).

We lost a lot of roof shingles- they were strewn all over the backyard- and a sixty plus year old pin oak.  Thankfully the pin oak fell into another sixty plus year old pin oak next to it and not on the house.  I was not sure if we were covered by our insurance for that or not- we are not. 

Thankfully- and this is what makes our country great I think- there was a wildcat tree removal team in town ad they took it down. These guys came in from Michigan.  They drove out to Jersey as soon as the storm hit.  They were looking to make easy money with lots of trees down.  The husband and I were dreading that it would cost us more than $2500 to dispose of the tree.  We had that number in mind because ST had to have a tree of similar size removed after Irene.  The wildcatters told us they could take it down for $750!  Clearly they thought they were getting the better of us ad we could not believe how cheap they were so we immediately had them take it down right then and there.

My youngest son is now a teenager.  His birthday is November 1st and he and his brother were supposed to be with us the weekend of November second but since we had no power, heat or- more importantly to tow teenage boys- cable and internet, I asked the ex to keep them for the weekend while we cleaned up.

They were with us this past weekend and the husband and I got the birthday boy a new iPod Touch- the fifth generation kind.  I am stunned by the product btw.  If you have WiFi it is essentially an iPhone.  It is really cool and I have to disclose that my 6 + year old iPod Touch went on the fritz last week I got myself a new one just like his but a different color.

So the election.  I don't think the results could be qualified as a mandate for President Obama.  51% of the popular vote is a slim majority,  If he had received 60% or more I'd say that is a mandate. 

I think I have lost and alienated friends with my commentary on President Obama being a moderate Republican in his actions- oh well, guess they were only friends if I agree with them politically which translate to not really friends.

One thing I have been expounding to some is when the refer to President Obama as a socialist.  I ask for one socialist action he has taken.  Generally they claim the Affordable Care Act is socialism.  Really?  So you are telling me the Affordable Care Act has nationalized all health insurance providers, combined them into one enterprise and the government runs it all now and has advocated equal outcomes for all who seek health care?  I dunno but it seems more like the plan Republican Governor Romney put in place in Massachusetts- oh wait because it is.  The retort to that is yes but the Romney plan tried to reduce the mandated services  whereas the President's plan increases them and places new taxes on...tanning salons!  OMG what would we all do if tanning salons were taxed out of business???  The horror..the horror...

I have been accused of espousing a belie in equal outcomes.  No, I get that not everyone gets to be a winner.  But I do believe that everyone should theoretically have an equal starting line and if the government needs to step in for that then so be it.  Funny how the GOP lives and breathes economic/social Darwinism but  not Darwinism in science and how the Democrats are the opposite.

My oldest is at the age where he is now gettign interested in lifting.  I have given him some tips and since he and his brother are with us for the Thanksgiving weekend I told him e and I would go to the gym so I can walk him thru some things. 

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