Just some highlights as I have been really bad on writing lately.
The wedding we went to several weeks ago was a blast. The husband and I were very busy setting up the chuppah, serving lunch for out of town friends and actually attending all the wedding weekend festivities. I actually sat next a woman who graduated from the same college I did but definitely a few years later. The person on the other side was a professor from some Ivy League university who did not take kindly to me peppering him with so many questions about his field of work- he is a political science professor and I was basically hammering him on how do you model for things when humans are innately irrational creatures, lol.
I think I need an updated gay guide because clearly mine was published before the advent of Instagram. I say this as I have come to realize if you are gay and on Instagram then it must say somewhere in the guide that you have to post as many shirtless selfies (as the Brits call self portraits) as possible....I am much more voyeur than exhibitionist so I do not post many selfies let alone shirtless ones.
My oldest finally got a proper haircut, started styling his hair and actually using product- holy shit he is growing up!!! When I picked them up this past Friday I noticed and told him it looks really good and he will have chicks all over him once school starts up in a few weeks. His younger brother- this is what is great about little brothers- blurts out it is already happening at tennis camp, lol.
I will admit I might be wrong about the Eurozone breaking up if someone can give me just one example of a state willingly giving up part or all of its sovereignty to another state. Until that happens I stand behind my belief the euro is doomed because Germany will want to control things if they are footing the bill.
As a corollary to my above statement on the doom of the euro, let me make it clear that it does not mean the end of the world. The Large Hadron Collider creating a small black hole would most assuredly mean the end of the world; the euro disappearing and the markets going down does not. Will it be painful? Yes. Will it cause problems? Yes. Will the sun still rise int he east and set in the west? Yes. Will the earth continue spinning? Yes.
I think there will be some good t.v, i.e. major hotties on the show, this fall . I am thinking mostly of "Arrow" on the CB with one Stephen Amell.
The husband's niece is getting married this Friday at the Bronx Botanical Gardens. It should be a fun time even though I will need to suit up at the office.
The boss took two weeks off in a row for vacation. That meant the j.v. was on the field, i.e. me. It totally reinforced what I told him over six years ago when he first interviewed me- I do not want his job. I am not wired correctly when it comes to dealing with "office politics" or having to answer the same question from the same person 4 different times.
Last weekend was my annual boozefest with the fraternity brothers. Oh and we also took a small drinking break to do the Warrior Dash. The course had a lot more incline to it this year and we all agreed the obstacles- whilst there was much more barbed wire- were not as good.
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