Wednesday, May 16, 2012

364 years and still going strong...

Small, local businesses are really hit or miss.  For example, we are getting a new washer and dryer installed- or so I thought.  Having owned homes before I thought I knew the drill.  I had the husband get the plumber on the calendar a month ahead of time before we needed him as all plumbers are scatter-brained.  The husband was excellent on communicating with the plumber and this is the guy that did the bathroom for us when we did it over.  He is very good at plumbing and reasonably priced.  Last night I get home only to find out the plumber says he can't install the appliances today or even this week.  WTF??  I was livid but there really is nothing we can do even though I vented that we should tell hi to fuck off and find someone.  It is not my fault he didn't finish some other job- he knew for a month he ha dour job.  His poor planning is not my problem.  I really want to write in the memo space on the check when we pay him "Fuck off and die!  I hope you fucking choke on this money."  but I most likely won't write that.

On the other hand we are getting the house painted as we are pretty sure it has not been painted in over two decades.  The husband scored big on the painter.  The guy is hot!  He is, to quote the husband, "Sex on a stick."  Ukrainian, blond, tall, amazing guns, hot ass that looks good in painters jeans and a great chest in a white tee shirt.  I told the husband after meeting him that we should offer him a cash bonus if he paints shirtless and lets us take lots of pictures.

The whole JPM situation is a shit show.  Some things I have picked up from it are for the "hedge" to have lost that much money that quickly can only really mean they had massive- like LEH size- leverage; it had to be 30-40x.  The other thing is there is no way in hell it was a hedge.  It was a prop bet on the markets and it went wrong.  They had to be a huge portion of the index and you don't do hedges that large.  Also it was not a hedge because whatever they were supposedly hedging would have mad even more money than they lost.  I also have to believe it shows how flawed Dodd-Frank was which makes sense since that was written by the lobbyists employed by all the banks.

Which leads me to my next point- Glass-Steagal.  We need it back.  If you think it can't happen then you need to look at Queen Elizabeth II's recent address to Parliament  She advocated splitting retail banking from investment banking.  It will happen.

Yesterday marked the 364th anniversary of the signing of the Peace of Westphalia.  Ironic no, considering all that is going on in Europe right now.  My stance on the euro has not changed and I clearly was two years early.  Greece will be out within a month and the euro gone by year end.

I went to the gym yesterday morning only to have to wait 15 minutes as no one was there to open it.  I find it irksome that I make the effort (along with probably 12 other people) to be there at 6 AM and the person responsible is  not dong the same- and they get paid- albeit I am sure it is a pittance.  So that cut my workout short but at least Soccer Coach was there.

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