The weekend was good, I got a lot done around the house. The husband had chain sawed all of the trees that fell down at the back of the yard and since he is not exactly adept with a hammer we determined I'd be the one to chop/split the wood for firewood.
So off I went to HD to get an axe. BTW, if you need an axe they are not in the tools section at HD- they are in the garden section. I debated between getting a maul or an axe and went with the axe as it just seemed cooler and more manly.
I got home and the boys told me it looked like an axe murderer axe- really? Well it is an with the beard they told me I looked a bit scary while holding it, lol. I split quite a bit of wood (which is not as easy as one would think) and stacked it up on the screened in porch mainly because the younger dog had created an escape hatch thru the screen and I decided to block it off. He was not amused.
Saturday night the boys and I went and saw Drive. It is an excellent flick! Ryan Gossling is very good in it but I found Albert Brooks even better. It is really an '80s flick to be honest, reminded me a lot of To Live and Die in LA. The soundtrack too is totally '80s. Hell even the opening graphics- pink, cursive- are totally '80s. It is worth seeing.
So we were talking with our gf MM last weekend and she mentioned how her ex-bf from high school posted on facebook that his father had died. She thought it was really odd. We got into a discussion about how much is too much on facebook and Mr. Barrett had mentioned how an acquaintance of his had committed suicide and another acquaintance had gotten access to the suicide's facebook account and posted it so everyone would know. A bit disturbing. That Sunday I logged on to see a good friend o the husband's had passed away and his partner announced it on facebook. I am a bit unsure if it is a good thing or not. It has an immediacy that no other way does but it is also a bit morbid. Just something to think about.
Italy got downgraded- is France next? It has to be, there is no way in heck France is a triple A when we are only double A. An interesting corollary to that is the rumor/story/piece of hearsay going around the desks yesterday.
It seems there may be a grass roots/people power movement going on over in Europe. Euro notes have serial numbers on them. The ones that start with Y1 are issued by Greece. The ones that start with X2 are issued by Germany. The tidbit was that some people are starting to refuse the Y1 euro notes. If this is true it is a de facto way to force Greece out of the EMU. Think about it- there is no real difference between the two notes. It would be like someone here saying they will only accept Federal Reserve notes (aka dollars) issued by the New York and rejecting the ones issued by the Philadelphia Fed (which I get intellectually as nothing good every came out of Philly).
Speaking of Greece it is funny but true that rumors are only that until the government comes out and officially denies them. Case in point- the rumor is Greece will hold a referendum on whether or not to exit the EMU. I'd guess it would pass. The Greek government came out this morning and officially denied it which means it will happen. Also, yesterday someone made a comment about the Greek military which piqued my interest as they have a history of taking over like the did in the early '70s.
Hit the gym yesterday morning and there was some very nice eye candy- we'll call him Everlast. Hopefully will see him there more often but he was not there this morning.
Tonight I go back to the dojo- sweep the leg! I will be returning to the one I started at but the management is completely new and different. We'll see how it goes but right now the only days they have the classes I need are Tuesday nights, Friday nights (LOL that is sooo not happening) and Saturday mornings; so it looks like Tuesdays and Saturdays I will be all Cobra Kai never die!
I am totally breakin' the law, breakin' the law (I cannot wait for Beavis & Butthead to be back on the air) by writing this at work. I'll spell check it and save it and then post when I get home tonight.
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