Yesterday was actually a nice, lazy day as I had to rest up for the race today. The husband and I went and saw Battle: Los Angles. It actually was not a bad flick at all but was similar to Skyline. IT was a bit jingoistic and rah rah on the military but a good Saturday matinee over all.
We walked back home and stopped at the local record shop- yes there is still one of those in Hoboken!- and picked up so new music. Lykke Li, Peter bjorn and John and the new Strokes album. The husband also got his latest Oasis fix- seller of them, they really just don't do it to me. Then it was nap time for me.
Dinner was pasta yet again. I never thought I'd say it but I think I am done with pasta for a while. A whole week of it and as much as I love Italian food and I can't handle it anymore.
We were up at 5:30 this morning and I ate my oatmeal while the husband walked the kids. Then it was right over to Dunkin' Donut, iced coffee and hopping on to the PATH. There were actually a lot of other runners waiting for the train as well. The husband was agape and asking WTF- how did he not get into the race? Off the PATh and on to the subway. We got off at 86th street and walked up to 99th were I was to start. The husband gave me some goo to eat and I handed him my jacket and sweats then I hit the atarting area and took a leak. The race took us around Central PArk and It was actually a really nice run. I have to admit the latest bravehound mix- "Motor"- really helped set my mood right for the race. It starts off really well with Sting's daughter singing and he mixed it well. By the time I was out of Central PArk and running down 7th Avenue his track was over and I switched over to the list I had created for the race and hit shuffle. Of course the first song was "Firework" byKaty Perry; don't ask me how but that happened but it did an dit kept my mood going great. At mile 10 I grabbed more goo and that helped. What also helped is that at every fluids station I drank some Gatorade. I really did not hit the wall at all. I was trying to ignore the clocks as I did not want to really know how well I was or was not doing. By the time I was 800 meters out I was wondering how the hell am I gonna find the husband as the crowds were getting huge. I crossed the finish line at 1:54 minutes which got me totally psyched as it was 4 minutes off my official last time and I knew that I did not cross the starting line until about 4 minutes after the official start so I was thinking I made it under 1 hour and 50 minutes.
We got home and I logged on to the race sight to see my official time- 1:49:21! Woo hoo! I shaved almost ten minutes off my first race.
The rest of today will be vegetation. I did notice however that we and our allies have started the air war in Libya yesterday. That should make for an interesting market tomorrow.
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