I am thankful for a great husband who loves me and makes me laugh. I am thankful for two amazing sons who love and make me laugh. I am thankful for two dogs who are happy to see me every night I walk through the door no matter what my day was like. I am thankful for great parents and brothers. I am thankful for a great job with people I enjoy working with and a boss who makes it easy to do my job. I am thankful my knees are in great condition even though I am no longer 21, need to stretch and have to change my gait.
My birthday passed and I had a great time. I picked the boys up and they were with us for the weekend. I got to pick dinner so of course I went with pizza and also got a gluten-free pizza for the husband. Sunday morning the husband had invited over friends and some family and we had a nice birthday breakfast and cake. My oldest gave me the new Kings of Leon CD and a homemade card extolling how he loves me more than his brother, lol. My youngest gave me a homemade card as well extolling how it was he who loved me more. Nothing like a little fraternal rivalry. The husband gave me the greatest birthday gift I have ever gotten to date and that is a chainsaw! It is awesome because it is a freakin' chainsaw and because we had a few wind storms that have knocked down some large trees at the cottage so I get to cut them up know, spilt them, store them in the garage and dry them out for firewood. It's a chainsaw!
I know it is pretty useless to think of what may have been if only (although I loved the What If... series from Marvel) but I am of the mindset that if Ireland had stuck to it's stubborn guns and not taken the bailout that would have done more to prevent the contagion from spreading than taking the bailout. The market is a predator and has taken down the weakest in the herd and is now moving onto the next one and that is the Iberian countries, followed by Italy and then it will hit the core and that would be France is my guess.
We had the boys for Thanksgiving this year. I picked them up Wednesday night and drove out to the in-laws on Long Island. The traffic was not that bad. The boys fell asleep and were surprised when they woke up as we pulled into the driveway. I walked in to see the husband and the mother-in-law starting to make a lattice top apple pie. I was impressed as I make pies but have always been intimidated by a lattice top.
Thanksgiving was great. The husband and I did the cooking- juniper brined turkey, cream gravy, cheddar-chipoltle dirty mashed potatoes, brussel sprout and caramelized shallot hash, scalloped tomatoes and homemade cranberry sauce. Dessert was the lattice top apple pie, lemon meringue pie and red velvet cake.
Friday I actually went to work. I had taken the last 4 or so Fridays after Thanksgiving off and felt it was only fair I let someone else in the office. It is a half day in the markets and the slowest day of the year. I got home and the husband had me on the grill making chipoltle cheese burgers for dinner. It was great. We then all went and saw Skyline. The movie sucked. The special effects were great, the action sequences awesome but eh acting was not great and the ending was a complete cop out.
Saturday we hit TGT because my youngest had a birthday party to go to today and needed to get a gift. Then we hit the gym and then left overs for dinner. Is it just me or do Thanksgiving left overs taste better one or two days after?
We watched the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street last night and I have to say it was ok. The boys did not think it was that scary and the husband did not either (he apparently never saw the original). No one got up in the middle of the night so I have to assume it was not that scary.
The drive to take the boys back to their mom's house today was actually not that bad. This is the first time I have ever seen the Belt Parkway with so little traffic. I have no work to do overseas tonight thankfully. Just watch some tv and then hit the bed. Back to the dojo- sweep the leg!- this week.
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