Monday, August 2, 2010

Credit where credit is due

Saturday's movie choice was good. The Sorcerer's Apprentice was actually not a bad flick. Three out of four of us surveyed said it was good.

Yesterday was actually a very nice lazy Sunday. I did not run as Sundays are my rest days. The husband has a different schedule so he had a sort of long run. He then took a nap and I did the laundry and cleaned up the kitchen. I made the boys clean up their room with me and I called my younger son big guy. My oldest stopped what he was doing looked at me and said "I thought I was big guy?" I told him you both are my big guys.

Mom went in to have her hip replaced today. I called and spoke with her from the bus ride in. My brother- the smart one, he's a doctor- was up there for moral support. He and my dad both called to let me know everything went well and as expected.

I was a bit shocked to find out my crackberry is viewed as a threat to national security by so many foreign governments.

I have to say as much as I thought it was a bad idea for the federal government bailing out the auto makers it seems to be a success for now.

I was supposed to do one of my short runs this morning but I decided to sleep in. I skipped the dojo- sweep the leg!- tonight as I have a light week and can hit it tomorrow night. I ran three short miles in under 24 minutes which was pretty good.

Seriously- there is a need for Step Up 3D??? And they are remaking Red Dawn??? Wolverines!

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