Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I forgot one of the funnier things that occurred today. The boss and I stepped out to pick up some lunch. We are outside the building when a couple comes up to us and points to the building across the street and asks "Is that Yankee Stadium?" The boss bursts out laughing. I politely tell them no it is the Port Authority Bus Terminal. I tell them Yankee Stadium is much further north and in the Bronx. "The Bronch?" Yes, the Bronx. "We can walk there?" I start laughing the boss politely tells them no, you should take a cab.

On the walk home from the dojo- Kobra Kai never die!- tonight I ran into a possum. It was standing there staring at me as I fumbled to get my phone out and take its picture. I did not succeed as two people came up and startled it.

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