Last week was kinda sucked. The husband and I were engaged in a "discussion" about the house and the attendant septic issue. I'm pretty sure we've reached detente about the whole situation and I will wait before I bring it up again. Wednesday CNN was in our office interviewing one of our more senior PMs (who I also happen to trade for) so I had to wear a suit and tie. Well not really but I thought better of my usual relaxed look. You never know if you are going to end up on national television and you have to represent the company properly. I did find out an interesting fact though from MP. I had worn a Brooks Brother tie with my suit. Thursday morning the husband IMed me asking what I was doing with a Brooks Brother tie in our home. I was completely perplexed by the question as I see nothing wrong with a Brooks Brother tie. I IMed MP and asked her and her response was yuck. Apparently those two Eurocentric fashion snobs deem Brooks Brothers as not up to snuff. MP was even more horrified when I mentioned I got home and kept my tie and shirt and pants on 'til I went to bed. She inquired as to whether I own and wear corduroy slippers as well. I still don't get that reference but whatever.
Friday morning Northface was a new hot guy on the bus. It made for a fun ride in.
The whole NFP number was a bit of a joke. The government had set it up so no matter what the number was the spin would be positive. If you think I am wrong then just look at one factoid all the talking heads commented on: Over 1 million people did not go to work due to the snowstorms. If they had the number would have been better. Well hello, if those people couldn't get to work it means they already had a job so it would not have impacted the NFP number anyways. It did however impact the hours worked component of the data.
We had the boys this past weekend. It was actually a pretty fun and relaxing weekend. Saturday was faux St. Patrick's Day in Hoboken- also known as amateur day. It is one of the biggest drunk fests in Hoboken annually. I went to the dojo but decided the boys did not need to come with me so they got to stay home. No need to expose them to all the drunks at 10 AM in the morning.
The rest of the day I just limped around the house after getting beat up a bit at the dojo. The husband offered to make dinner and of course my oldest was all over that as he believes the husband is the second best cook he knows- second only to his maternal grandmother.
The husband made what I can only describe as the Italian version of coq au vin- and I probably just insulted the Italians and French by referring to pollo da conovo as that. I made gluten free brownies for dessert. As gross as that sounds the gluten free brownies were actually pretty good and tasted like real brownies.
Funny thing about dessert. All day my oldest was extremely flatulent. As we were sitting down to dinner the husband says no farting at the dinner table. Of course about half way through dinner my oldest lifts a cheek and rips ass. The husband tells him no dessert.Then my youngest starts acting up and the husband tells him no dessert as well. I back him up on this. Of course about a hour later I see the husband sneaking the boys brownies. WTF??? He says they were all mopey and he felt bad for them.
Saturday night we watched a pretty good B horror movie called The Short Cut. the oldest was saying it was probably going to be lame but he watched the entire movie and commented on how intense and good it was.
Sunday we went to the American Museum of Natural History. I wanted to see the narwhal skeleton Mr. Barrett recommended. We couldn't find it but we did go into the butterfly conservatory. In case you were wondering yes the oldest thought it was not going to be cool and wanted to know why we didn't go see the lizard show instead. But once we got in there he smiled and admitted it was really cool and fun. Everyone all had butterflies alight on them and I got pictures of all of them. We then checked out the dinosaurs fossils, the extreme mammals and the ocean room.
We stopped at WFMI on the way home and I bought more gluten free products one of which was banana bread. i made that when I got home and the husband and I had left over pollo da conovo then banana bread for dessert.
The Oscars were last night and of course we did not watch them. I am glad that Hurt Locker won as I cannot stand James Cameron. I think Titanic was not a great flick. I think Avatar did not win because it was a derivative, crappy plot and the only thing interesting about it was the special effects. Seriously- couldn't they have come up with some name other than unobtainium? How frackin' asinine is that? Hence the title of the post since I have not seen the movie and have no interest in it or in enriching James Cameron any more than he needs. Isn't he already the king of the world by his own proclamation- what does he need my money for? I also loved the irony of his ex-wife kicking his ass in the awards.
Consumer Reports rates Brooks Brothers clothing as the longest lasting and most value for the purchase.
And I love corduroy slippers.
I told you the skeletons were on the 5th floor!
OMG That is so funny that you don't get it. This guy would be wearing corduroy slippers. As soon as he takes his suit and tie off.
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