I haven't written all week because I wanted finish reading the latest installment of The Wheel of Time. I have to say even at close to 800 pages it was a great book and an improvement over the last three books in the series. The best part though is I was bringing the book into the office with me (I was reading on the PATH) and left it on my desk. My secret man crush noticed the book and commented about the 12th book finally being out. I was taken aback and he informed me he had read the series up to book 6 because his brother recommended it to him. He then told me about another series I might like and should check out. He secretly wants me...
Halloween was busy for us. I went down to central Jersey for my youngest son's bowling birthday party. I was not expecting to have to participate but I got shanghaied into it. I crushed them all and won three games! I rock at bowling. I had fun too. Meanwhile the husband was driving out to his mom's house to drop more stuff off in her crawl space. We both got home around the same time. We had no plans for the night other than watching The Exorcist, ordering in pizza and relaxing. We did end up going out though to meet up with CC for drinks at a bar. We had fun and we all agreed that there are certain Halloween costumes that should be outlawed for gay men: Peter Pan, devils, vampires and priests just to name some. We also agreed that any form of drag is acceptable especially Cher.
On the way home on the PATH we ended up sitting next to these two girls who did nothing but reinforce Jersey stereotypes. One was dressed as a cowgirl and the other as a policewoman. Apparently they were not happy with their friend Ashley as she punched one of them in the back of the head and used all the cocaine the other bought. These two were going on and on and very loud. I finally had to interject myself into the conversation agreeing that Ashley is a total bitch and she should have her ass kicked. The husband of course was horrified at what I did.
Sunday was a nice lazy day. the husband decided to make meatloaf, I made mashed potatoes and we invited Ragnar over for dinner. It was a nice evening and an awesome dinner.
Monday I got my ass kicked at the dojo and came home with a few abrasions. It was interesting at work the next day as I got questioned about it and told them the husband forgot the rule about using an open hand when hitting.
Funny how the truth about the supposed economic recovery is now coming out. The whole notion of "jobs saved is now being shown to be complete bullshit. the best line in the article I read was the whole point is to create jobs not count them; the government is failing on both as they are not creating any and then not counting them properly either.
The OMB chief Orszag is finally now admitting that deficits are dangerous and unsustainable. Well duh! I guess better late than never is a start.
This weekend we don't have the boys and we are actually going to a wedding reception in the city.
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