So I caught up with Supernatural. It was great because Paris Hilton was in it as the villain. She was great and used all her known lines.
Sunday we finished moving the art and cleaning the place up. There is nothing like the imminent arrival of company to make you finish unpacking. Mr. Clifford and Mr. Barrett arrived around 6 PM on Sunday. We ordered in pizza and actually used the dining room table for the first time in the new home. We have no lighting in the dining room though so it was pizza by candle light with a lot of wine. Then it was time to watch a movie. We watched Trick 'R Treat which was excellent. I highly recommend it especially during the 31 Days of Halloween.
Monday night the husband had a business dinner. The rest of us went to Gym Bar and had drinks pre-concert where we met up with PF and DR. It was good to see them as we had not seen them since the weekend out at the beach. We then cabbed it up to the Hammerstein for the Kylie concert.
We met up with the husband and took in the show. I am not really a fan of Kylie. I have to say though she puts on a great show and can actually sing. It was an excellent concert and very entertaining. I have to say I was impressed and I commented to PF (who is a HUGE Madonna fan) that I thought Kylie put on a hell of a better show than that old hag Madonna.
So now I have seen Kylie, Madonna and Bette Midler. If I can see Beyonce, Brittney and Cher (assuming she doesn't retire yet again) before I die then I will be totally gay.
The husband is now sick with the virus/cold I had.
I am starting back at the gym tomorrow morning.
I don't have anything to say about the tape mostly due to the fact I have been so dead wrong since the bottom. I will say though that any bank who has a cost of zero for capital that cannot make money is run by morons. Once all the government support is removed I wonder what will happen to all these companies.
Tomorrow night I am going to another concert. I am going to see Airborne Toxic Event. One of the PMs I am friends with likes the band as well and found out about the concert. He, I and several others are going, I believe they are playing at The Bowery.
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