So Friday MP asked if we were ready for the race. I told her to call us Saturday around 11 AM and we would let her know the answer.
The race went well. The weather actually held for us, it did not rain at all. I was not all that happy with my swim, it was slower than last year but my bike was better. The run just sucked and not in the good way I like. At one point in the run I was saying fuck it, this is the last time I do this damn race. Then I thought no, when I am dead and gone no one will remember the times of these races just that I actually did them. I mentioned that to the husband afterwards as we were walking back to the car and he said not true, he'd make sure my times were on my tombstone. My final time was worse and I did not get close to breaking the two hour mark. Something to shoot for next year.
The husband did not do as well as he thought he would after all his training. He blamed his bike for mechanical problems. Apparently he hit a bump that jarred his front wheel and end up rubbing on his brakes. I told him excuses are like assholes- everyone has one and the stink. Yes I plagiarized one of my high school lacrosse coaches.
I think the best part of the race though was about the last mile and a half I seriously had to take a dump. As soon as I crossed the finish line I sprinted to the port-a-potty and did my biz. Apparently during this time the husband was chatting with my boss and a fellow co-worker. The other co-worker asked how the husband was related to our group. He told him I was his husband. Apparently that threw the guy for a serious loop. This morning the boss was laughing about that. He said it was all he could do not to burst out laughing because, as he put it, he could see the guy's train of thought immediately derail in a big, flaming crash.
After the race we rushed home to beat the rain on our drive to the beach. Our friend MM and her cousin were our guests for the weekend. We beat the rain. I love MM. She and her cousin met us at the ferry with the cart for our bags. The first thing she said is I looked totally jacked! I high fived her as the husband harrumphed. The funny thing is the summer intern on the desk (who sits next to me, God help him) on Friday was telling us that he wants to start lifting and get jacked like me! SO that was two unrelated people telling me I look jacked- that made up for the shitty run I had.
The weather at the beach sucked but it was a good thing. We were both so out of it, we didn't need to go out. We played cards with the girls and then made dinner and drank probably too much wine. we then attempted to watch a movie to no avail as I was soon snoring on the couch.
Sunday we were both a bit sorer, had a great breakfast and then actually watched the movie. It was a recent vampire flick titled Let The Right One In. IT was pretty good for a foreign flick (Swedish) but at times verged a bit into art house movie for me.
I was going to take two weeks off from any kind of training but decided against it as there are only fifty two weeks until the next race. So I hit the pool and swam 1800 yards. Believe it or not I actually felt pretty good in the pool. My goal now is to do a half hour each day in the morning, rotating through swimming, biking and running. In two weeks I will go back to the dojo, hopefully getting the black belt by the end of the year. Then I am planning on joining the masters swim team at the local college here in the 'boken. As my friend KM in Hotlanta said, very sneaky and highly recommends the stealth training program. He and his wife (like me he has one in the error account) do races all the time.
I am starting to think MSFT is really not the evil empire a lot of people think. My belief is that GOOG is much like Chancellor Palpatine. They are seducing everyone to the Dark Side and the Android OS is much like the Clone Army. I am sure any tech person reading this will get seriously pissed at that comment but whatever.
Ok, the "news" from the World Bank today was not really news. They stated that last month but apparently our shadowy overlords, i.e. GSCO, needed a reason for what was going to hit the markets today. What it really is I think is that many are realizing N. Korea is a serious problem, Iran is having a major power struggle, there is huge amounts of USTs coming to market this week and the consumer is ignoring everything thrown at them and repairing their balance sheets.
I have to wonder if JFK were alive today would he be a Democrat? I say that because I read some of his quotes and they don't seem to jibe well with what the Dems are doing. "The belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state.." and of course "...ask not what your country can do for you- ask what you can do for your country." Apparently over the last forty years, many in our society have come to view the state as the source of their rights and as their nanny for life. What got me on this was my dad sent a note thanking us for a donation to his campaign. I told him I did not do it as I don't give money to any political party because I think they are both utterly corrupt. He said he did not understand my belief. My dad is a huge JFK fan and admirer. Yet he is running on a ticket that espouses the government can cure all, enabling people in out society to stop being responsible and leading them to believe their rights are given to them by the government. Sorry, but if you don't understand why I don't believe in that then I can't help you out. I also do not believe that there should be no help for those who fall through the cracks of society. But helping someone who has fallen down does not mean you become their parent. I also have a problem with the GOP and their beliefs on who counts and who doesn't.
Tomorrow I am biking in the morning then going to a party. My girlfriend I have known since 1st grade is hosting party in the city with her husband. I am a bit uncomfortable with it as her husband's cousin is running for public office- as a Democrat- and I will probably be hit up for money. Well at least there will be free booze and food and she personally asked me to come as her twin sister will be in town and is looking forward to seeing me again as well.
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