So I think I may have allergies. I am not sure if late-onset allergies are possible but a lot of my family members have them and it is possible I do as well. I guess I'd rather have late-onset allergies than late-onset diabetes. My nose has been running since Friday and I have been taking Clairitin- thank God the husband has allergies and had a bunch of Redi-Tabs in his bathroom.
This morning with all the hype about H1N1a- the new swine flu- I had a moment of panic I have to admit, lol. I also of course love any good conspiracy theory and H1N1a has so many possibilities: Mexico is on the list of countries that face a distinct possibility of complete breakdown; we (the USA) cannot let that happen; the history between us and Mexico in particular and all of Latin and South America is not the best; if there is a pandemic we could be asked to send the Army in the guise of helping keep civil order and for humanitarian aid; one of the first to go was an archeology curator who met President Obama on the 16th; President Obama is asymptomatic or immunized; President Obama intentionally infected him to spread it so we could get invited in. It is endless and I am surprised it has not sprung up yet but I imagine if we give the right wing fringe enough time...
I really think Sheila Bair is a complete moron. She made a speech today at some economics luncheon that I could not believe. This chick has a pair of seriously large brass balls. She stated that the bulk of the financial crisis was caused by activity outside of the banks, She then went on to say that the liquidity crisis is over and we are in the clean up phase. Funny- she must be very worried about her job and the existence of her agency. The FDIC has no money of their own to begin with as a kind lady in Maine pointed out to me. They just collect fees and then give them to the Treasury. If the bulk of the activity took place outside of the banks then why are the banks the ones that had to be bailed out?
I think I could live Sam Zell. The guy is brilliant even though he bought a newspaper. He totally top-ticked the real estate market. He was on BBRG TV today and I loved his candor and most of his comments.
Ok, time to put the catty- nay, queeny hat on. What the hell are IT guys thinking when they get dressed in the mornings? One guy had the lack of sense to wear cargo pants to the office. The other made the fatal flaw of wearing stripes and plaids. Meow.
The husband is having fun in London. He literally bumped into Jude Law today. Good to know he is still smoking hot according to the husband. Tomorrow he is off to Berlin. HE gets back stateside Sunday evening.
I skipped training this morning and will make it up tomorrow morning.
I am psyched to see the Wolverine movie. Hugh Jackman is so freakin' hot! The boys will be psyched as well since they are here with me this weekend and it is rated PG-13. Tonight is the season finale for Heroes I believe.
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