I am sorry but there is no government program put forth or every instituted by our government or any government that has every put three to four million people immediately and in a timely fashion. Sorry, that is a pipe dream.
I have no problem with the government forcing GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy if that is what it takes for me to get my money back from them. I find it hard to believe that all the banks that have the balls to say they are ahead of us happen to also be the ones that took TARP. Force them to reorganize and do it with DIP financing.
I am starting to think we are getting closer to the big finale and a bottom as Nouriel Roubini is making way too many appearances on television and getting quoted too many times in too many different places. Nassim Taleb is a real close second. I am also getting real tired of the whole black swan analogy.
Marc Faber had a great piece last week discussing how we are becoming Zimbabwe or a banana republic, pick your poison. It is what happens when the government crowds out private investment. Speaking of which I have no clue how the hell the Treasury is going to get private investors involved in buying toxic assets. They are now saying they won't do a bad bank but will do an asset wrap of some sort. That is the government will eat any losses the private investors take up to a point. Ok, cool, no problem. But here is where the rub is- and it has been the rub the entire crisis- what price can be agreed upon by the seller (the insolvent bank) and the buyer (the "private investor")? If the banks are carrying said toxic assets at say eighty cents on the dollar but the private investors say they are only worth fifteen cents on the dollar then no sale will be made. Unless of course the government eats the difference which is my tax dollars at work again.
For most of the history of free markets bonds have been king. It is only in the last 30 years or so that equities have been ascendant. I read a BBRG article about how maybe we are reverting to the norm. That is bonds will assume their rightful place as the king of Wall Street. The thing is though is that all the mutual fund companies have done an amazing marketing job of trainer investors to think they have to own equities. Hell, you should at a certain age in my unlicensed opinion. Yet I can see the unending appeal of owning bonds.
On MSN there was an article about how scientists have taken the first step towards teleportation. It involved a concept in quantum physics called entanglement. They were able to use said principle to not quite teleport anything but the duplicated information on one photon from another.
The husband has been sick since Friday. He is so not a good patient. He was in that mood where he didn't want to be spoken. We discussed it this morning and he said I had my hands full to which I replied I can take care of the boys and a sick spouse, have been there, done that before. This was of course all after I had vented to PF. Then he vented to me. I have to say, drama in someone elses life puts thing into perspective.
Saw Yellow Shorts at the gym again tonight. The best was though the guy I shared the incline with a month ago who has teddy bear brown eyes now has a name. He is now called Masaquan. He is totally hot. Lehigh was there too.
Having dinner with JP tomorrow night as the husband has his book club but my guess and hope is he will bag it and come home to go to bed early.
1 comment:
I think the bottom is in sight too and wish the repubs had managed to drag the stimulus debate out for another two or three weeks. maybe we could have come up with an actual stimulus package
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