So, the city of Los Angeles decided they had to ban fast food restaurants. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this country that the government thinks it needs to legislate what people eat by their own choice? No one has forced the people in the less well off economically speaking areas of L.A. to eat at a fast food place. They have willingly and freely chosen to eat there. Yet for some reason the government feels they know what is best and has decided the citizens of their municipality can not decide for themselves. I understand and agree that in many ways the government needs to provide guidance or services that free markets don't deem worth their effort. But to enact a law telling people what foods they can and cannot eat is anathema to all the principles this country is based on. But I digress...stepping down off my soap box.
The husband and I are in serious negotiations over a new apartment. It is bigger than the place we have now, has a good partial view of the NYC skyline and a lot of hotties in the building. Tonight over dinner we had a major discussion about our strategery going forward with the negotiations.
Tonight we went to a gallery show of Ragnar's boyfriend. I have never been to anything of the sort and it was an...interesting crowd. Our friend JW and Jd were there as well. JW looked at me and said "This type of crowd is why I was only an acting student at NYU for two years and ran away screaming." I don't know art but there were some really cool pieces that I found amusing and interesting. I faked my way through the conversations the entire evening.
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