So according to some people we are only in the eye of the hurricane of this current credit meltdown/financial mess. I would concur. Funny how last week the Treasury secretary was saying the worst is over and no he is saying the tone is improving. Mr. Bernake exhorting banks to keep raising capital also raised my eye brows. If you look at the balance sheet of the Fed you will see the banks are into them for serious money. This debacle is not over by a mile. I think within a year we might be looking to actually go long real estate.
Okay, I was wondering, I am a gay guy. I go to bars. I wash my hands after I take a whizz. Why? If I were single and going to gay bars why would I wash my hands? Isn't the whole point of going out to touch (and possibly more if one is lucky) a dick? I mean I know where mine has been and if it is clean or not...
We open the beach house we rented this summer tomorrow morning. I am psyched. We will be getting on the road early. The kids will be psyched, they love the beach.
Last night I was down in Princeton for a school function for my oldest and I totally played the role of embarrassing parent for an eleven year old. His mom laughed and said he definitely won't be happy with you.
The boss and I fly out Monday morning bright and early for our trip to the left coast. I hate flying but the bar won't be open at 6 AM. Thankfully I had the right person book my flight and I got upgraded to first class so I will be able to have my obligatory vodka on the rocks that early. I even get breakfast.
The gym tonight was good, there were quite a few new hotties who get nicknames: Cumberland, Fisher and Antonio Jr. Go to my gym and you might be able to meet some of them.
We then went out for dinner to the local Mexican place. Two groups of guys came in after us. One group was of indeterminate orientation but hot and fun to look at. The other was definitely made of guys who go to our church.
1 comment:
In this day and age, I wash my hands _before_ I take a whizz at the urinal.
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