Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's an allegory right?

So the long weekend was good even though the boys were somewhat trying of their step-father's patience, lol.  The only bad part was I had to do a ten mile run and it sucked.  I did it at a nine minute pace which I am not happy with in the least bit.

Training really sucks now as I do not enjoy in any manner what so ever running more than eight miles.  This is the last time I will do anything longer than a 10k.  Fuck lotteries for any type of running race.  although I did sign up for the lottery for our usual start of summer triathlon.  I did it gladly as I know we will not be here to do it.    The husband and I are actually going to take our much delayed honeymoon as we never had a proper one five years ago.  So I took two weeks off in June and we will be going to Paris and London.  The only wrench that could be thrown into the works is if the husband gets a job by then.  If that happens it is a good thing and I will gladly delay our honeymoon another year if needed.

Speaking of going to Europe I have never been and this year I will be getting a hat trick.  We are going to Italy in April to celebrate PJ's 90th birthday.  Then we will be going for the honeymoon and finally we are going to Oktoberfest in Germany in lieu of the usual high school gang ski trip which we did not do this year.

That reminds me I need to find my passport and make sure it is up to day.

The whole drama of Greece getting it's bail out is just that- drama- almost farce.  They need to grow to pay their debts and when you institute severe austerity you cannot grow.  Greece is totally fucked.  They really should go the route of Iceland and make the bankers take their losses, issue the drachma again and get on with actually living some kind of life.

I kinda was up to speed on the whole Roland Martin tweeting issue about the David Beckham ad (he is on the list of not counting as cheating btw- David Beckham NOT  Roland Martin) and the thing that struck me was his wife and her angry tweet.  She tweeted gays "use our history to get equality."  I don't know who she means when she says "our" but first guess is Americans of African descent.  It could also refer to the original Thirteen Colonies I guess but I'll go with Americans of African descent.  She kinda has a point- who do those gays think they are getting all uppity and wanting equality?  Don't they know their place- our hair salons, florist shops, event planning, HR departments and the Catholic priesthood?  What makes them think they are equal and deserve to have all the rights the rest of the citizens have?   It makes me wonder that if Gandhi were alive int he 1960s would he have made a similar comment?  "Those colored people are using my history to get equality..."  Something tells me he would not have made such a statement.

The other weekend we had the boys we watched Don't Be Afraid of the Dark.  It was actually not a bad flick to get on OnDemand.  At the end of the movie I realized why Katie Holmes was in it as it is an allegory for her current situation, i.e. her marriage to Tom Cruise.  I mean her character was taken by dark, fey creatures ( clearly a reference to Tom) into the furnace (clearly a representation of the closet) and she became one of them.  And right at the end you here saying "no we wait...another will come..."  clearly referring to she hopes there is a divorce and another up and coming starlet will replace her in the furnace with the dark, fey creatures.  I guess that also could mean the little girl represents Nicole Kidman who escaped from that fate because Katie's character rescued her.

We are all looking forward to the John Carter movie.  I even bought the first three books for us to read.   My youngest has finished the first one and the husband is starting it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Promoting "responsible" procreation?

The weekend was great.  We had the boys and we got to celebrate our 6th anniversary.  This Super Bowl was actually the exact date that we met at a party for Super Bowl XL.  I don't recall the final score but I know the Steelers beat the Seahawks.

ST was actually in London so dinner Friday night only PJ , Farmer V and his best friend KO joined us and the boys for dinner.  The husband made chicken chassaur and I made pecan pie for dessert.  We got my youngest to actually eat most of what he was served.  I think that had to do with an email I sent him describing how a young woman in the UK almost died mainly due to her diet of chicken nuggets and nothing else, lol.  The pecan pie was a massive hit.  Everyone asked if they could have more and I said no as I had to save a piece for ST.

Saturday I did my short weekend run- 4 miles and it was ok.  Then we did a bunch of things around the house and then we went and saw Chronicle.  I am ambivalent when it comes to "found footage" films as very few are actually that good- The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield come to mind- and some are stinkers- The Devil Inside according to most. 

Sunday I had to do my long weekend run- 8 frackin' miles.  I was seriously tempted to blow it off but the husband totally goaded me into it so I told him he had to run it with me.  As we start he tels me I get to set the pace- he always says that and then decides to pass me so I laughed at him.  He actually did let me set the pace and we did 8 minute miles the whole way- totally pumped I got that pace done.

I took the boys home and then I got home and showered up and the husband and I were off to the city for our friends Super Bowl party.  I am not really a Giants fan but I cannot abide the Patriots at all even though Tom Brady is smokin' hot.  Lawrence Tynes however comes pretty damn close.  I am positive that once the rioting started in Boston after the lose it ended with a typical chant of "Yankees suck, Yankees suck..."

Over the course of my career I have come to the conclusion that equities are nothing more than perpetual calls.  I mean they entitle you to a possible claim on some future earnings.  I mean think about it- owning a stock is similar to being an absentee bar owner.  Your employees- the bartenders (aka corporate management) is ripping you off.  The bar is doing great business, has the best happy hour in town and is the hot spot where the beautiful people hang out.  The bartenders are  allowing just enough of a profit to keep the owner from giving up on selling the bar.  I am not sure where the debt markets fall into this hypothesis maybe the suppliers?  Congress is definitely the mob running a protection racket for the bar tenders.

So the courts in California ruled Prop 8 was unconstitutional.  The one dissenter wrote that he wasn't convinced that there couldn't have been a rational basis for citizens to enact the law, such as promoting responsible procreation and optimal parenting.  I mean does that mean all single parents are not optimal parents?  Are people who have children procreating in an irresponsible manner?  If so does that mean they should have their rights restricted as well?  I don't know about you but to me that sounds like code for the Bible tells him so....

I am not at all interested in seeing Star Wars in 3D- any of the episodes.  Sadly even though I cannot stand Nicholas Cage and thought Ghost Rider sucked I will probably most likely go see the new Ghost Rider flick when it comes out.