Monday, January 30, 2012

So the O in OLED stands for organic

The weekend was actually pretty nice.  Friday night we had dinner with ST and PJ and the farm boys.  I made a chocolate cake and used my decorative frosting kit that I got for Christmas.  I gotta tell ya making flowers and what not out of frosting is not easy at all.  I definitely need to get a book or watch some YouTube videos on how it is done.  If you stood at least twenty feet yards away what I had done sort of passed for a flower.  My border on the cake though came out great.

Saturday I skipped the dojo and instead got my run in as the husband of course had a list of errands we needed to get done before we drove into the city for dinner.   I ran my three miles in just under 24 minutes.  I was psyched as I have to admit I do actually have a goal for this god damn race- it being the last half marathon I intend to do- and that is to run just under or right at 8 minute miles.  I have done the math and that means I need to finish the race in one hour and forty-four minutes or less.

So the oldest son is not the best student around.  He clearly does not understand the importance of handing in homework on time etc.  His grades going into the end of the second marking period clearly reflected it.  His mother and I both had a discussion with him.  I have resigned myself to the simple fact that he will just be a B or C student in high school.  No big deal, I know a lot of people who were and still have successful, productive, happy lives.  We did however decide he needed a tutor.  Of course the husband has been harassing him about how his tutor will be some hot, young thing with large breasts and that will get him to focus on what she is saying to him, lol.

Well the oldest actually did pretty well in his midterms and he told me to tell the husband that the tutor is exactly the opposite of what he said she would be.  The husband of course wants picture proof to which my oldest said fine, if you want to see flap jacks I'll get a picture of her for you.

I must admit I joined twitter.  Several people where expressing how great and timely it is and that you find out things so quickly.  I have to say that with my job I get news just as fast if not faster and can't honestly admit that twitter is any better at keeping me up on things than BBRG, RTRSY or any other news service out there.  However- I do now get to pseudo stalk Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gossling and some other hot guys.

With twitter now deciding to allow selective censoring in certain countries however I am debating if I want to use it as that seems to me to fly int he face of all information should be free, etc etc etc.

Speaking of stepping into the 20th century- the husband capitulated and joined Facebook!  I was pretty shocked when he asked me to help him set up an account.  I asked him why and he gave me some reason about hoping it will help him network better in his quest for a new job.  

Am I the only wondering what has gotten into France and their activist foreign policy in the past two years or so?  They led the whole Libya thing, they are at the forefront of the Iranian oil embargo and they are clearly agitating for regime change in Syria.  Are they trying to distract form their problems at home by taking such a vocal role?  I dunno.

So I have been intrigued by the whole OLED thing but I have to wonder- if they are organic light emitting diodes does that mean they are alive?  Could they form some kind of hive mind and become a superorganism much like an ant colony?  Can they gain sentience?  Do I really want a sentient television?  It could make for a pretty cool sci-fi novel....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Do as I say, not as I do

Training for the god damn race is going just fucking fine....I am still a bit bitter about this whole situation in case that was not clear.  I am actually doing a pretty good pace on my runs in the mornings.

The weekend was actually pretty nice and relaxing.  I actually took Friday off and made it a four day weekend, aka the wrap around.

I got back to the dojo- Cobra Kai never die!- for the first time since before Thanksgiving.  My core is still a bit sore from the work out joshu put me through but glad to be back stepping out on the mat.

Sunday I got to babysit my sons which was great.  The ex called and explained she was going into the city to see the Broadway show "War Horse" with all her friends from the barn and asked if I'd be willing to take the boys for the day- duh...of course I would.

I picked them up at 10:30 in the morning and we picked up breakfast and got home.  The day was quiet as the husband and I were getting ready for dinner guests.  The husband used one of the cook books I got him to make chicken chasseur- basically a French version of chicken cacctaiore.   I made a chocolate cake with homemade butter cream frosting.  The funniest part of the day was when the oldest asked what smelled so good and then asked the husband what he was making and what time dinner was.  I had to crush him and tell him he and his brother would be back at their mom's for dinner- ha!  Sometimes I am a mean dad...

So I was early again on my call for Greece defaulting.  It now appears it will be when they miss their bond payment in March.  The thing I am still at a loss to comprehend is how only the private sector will have to take the write down on Greek debt and the exact same Greek debt will still be marked at par or close to par by governmental agencies throughout the Continent.  As my bond friend said it is simple- the government has the power, aka a monopoly on the legal use of force and coercion.
Speaking of my bond friend the husband and I had drinks with him late yesterday afternoon at a local watering hole.  It was great to see him and sobering as even he is cognizant of the destruction of liquidity that is occurring in the capital markets.  It does not bode well for those (including me) in our line of work.  On a positive note though he and the husband got talking and he told the husband to send him his resume.  The husband has been dying to get his resume in front of someone at my bond friend's firm.

The other pretty amazing thing is my bond friend telling me he has completely given up on the GOP.  This guy is Republican through and through- more a Teddy Roosevelt kind than a Barry Goldwater kind- and for him to throw the towel in because he thinks they are completely losing it says a lot.  He is also the second smart friend I know who has given up on their party because they are completely corrupt and both owned by the oligarchs.  As an aside the other friend is a former Democrat.

We have a pretty light calendar this week- as in nothing on the docket.   Psyched for that and we do have the boys this weekend.  Of course we will be seeing Underworld Awakening.  I was totally psyched for the season premiere of "Being Human" last night.  I also foolishly stayed up late to watch "Lost Girl."  That one seems interesting but I think I will be keeping up with it on through On Demand.

I know I said I would not be talking about the supposed Oracle of Omaha, aka Mr. Buffet, but I have to make this comment.  It seems that one of his companies uses prison labor to produce goods.  Really?  He is worried about not paying enough taxes but has no issue using indentured/slave labor for production?  How can anyone take this sanctimonious windbag seriously?  He is all about do as I say not as I do it is clear to me.  The story of course got very little ink or airplay as it does not fit with the narrative the status quo wants the masses to follow.  If you find the story it is repulsive how it is spun as his company are the good guys in this situation because they realized they were breaking Canadian law by exporting slave labor produced goods to Canada.  So of course they voluntarily and unilaterally decided it would be best to stop exporting such goods.  Hello?  How about stop using prison labor?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Isn't Magi another word for wizards or sorcerers?

So NYE was actually a lot of fun.  The husband and I drove all the way across the road to ST and PJ's for dinner with them and NB.  Dinner was excellent and the husband informed me earlier in the day he had volunteered me to make and bring dessert.  I went with the old reliable mini chocolate souffles.  I added homemade whipped cream this time. 

We actually stayed up to watch the ball drop in Times Square.  We were watching CNN for some reason and they had Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper hosting.  Seriously?  I don't know how CNN came up with that pairing and I was surprised to find out they have been doing it for five years now.  Kathy Griffin was so close to the line so many times, she actually was pretty funny and outrageous.  My two favorite things she said was Justin Bieber has an eating disorder and she kept harassing Anderson Cooper about if she could watch his balls drop.

OMG Dick Clark...ya gotta love the guy for still doing it but I feel sad for him as he is clearly not the host he used to be doing it.

I actually got all the Christmas cards out- not on time but mailed out none the less.  I am sure most people will assume I just forgot them and sent them out late but whatevuh...

I also plotted out my training for the god damn half marathon.  I of course googled training programs for one and found a good one.  So I put it on my GOOG calendar and lo and behold I am already a week behind.  So I have been doing my running in the mornings at the gym before work.  It seems all my long runs will be on Sundays and I have Mondays and Fridays off.

I had to laugh at this one.  A married (straight) couple that we are friends with sent us a box of Sees Candy for Christmas along with their card.  When I went to open it and I read it was the "fruits and nuts" version I of course had to text the husband and ask him just what he was implying.  OF course the box lasted only one day...if that.

There is a totally woofy conductor on the train now very early in the morning.  I think he may have caught me checking out his assets Tuesday.

I cannot for the life of me understand how the NDAA is not getting even more air time and or press?  Seriously, there are more stories and references to it on the tome of mugs than there are in the MSM.  Clearly the MSM is doing their job as the Ministry of Propaganda for the oligarchs in this country.  If you are not sure what I am referring to it is the National Defense Appropriation Act.  Basically it is the gutting of the Bill of Rights and funny, anachronisms like posse comitatus but hey, no biggie...

What I find really annoying about it is that there are people who are ascribing this to President Obama.  Yes he did not need to sign it and could have had a showdown with Congress about it but it was Congress that wrote this deplorable piece of legislation and they did in a bipartisan manner.

GOOG it if you want to find out more about it.  It aint pretty.

I was surprised to see the Fed/government/plutocrats were able to get the markets to close flat here for '11.  That is actually quite a feat they accomplished.  Clearly the Europeans need to learn some new tricks when it comes to manipulating markets.

As for training I ran three miles Tuesday in 25 minutes and four this morning in 33.  Not too shabby for a middle aged guy.

Monday night we had dinner with our neighbors and we were of course being typical gays- you know critiquing attire and fitness of others in the restaurant.  I made the comment that I am straight skinny but gay fat.  That was a good one but I cannot take credit for it as it was a joke in an episode of "American Dad."

The tree is still up.  I asked the husband Saturday if we could take it down but he said no, it stays up until Balthazar, Caspar and Melchior arrive.  That would be Friday but we will be taking it and the lights down Saturday with the boys.

Totally psyched to see The Devil Inside this weekend.