Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The verdict is misadventure

Hit the dojo- Cobra Kai never die!- last night and again in the second class it was just two of us.  I am getting to know the new joshu better and he is a pretty good guy.  I think one of the things I like most about him is he has admitted the school tries to get you to drink the Kool Aid, aka it is somewhat cult like.  He is young enough to be my son- really, if I was like my father and had kids when I was right out of college at 22.

Did anyone else see that YHOO story about one Drew Manning?  He is a personal trainer who is "super-sizing" himself so he will know what it is like to be a typical American.  It is really too bad because he is pretty damn hot when he is in shape and if I were his wife I'd kick his fat ass out of the bedroom.  Just saying...

The whole Euro zone mess/Greek drama is coming to a head.  I just saw that an agreement has been reached with the banks that private investors will take a 50% haircut on their Greek debt holdings.  The way that is worded means that the public investors- the ECB, public pension funds etc.- will not be taking a haircut.  WTF?  Does that make any sense to anyone?  I can predict the argument will be the public investors are holding them to maturity blah blah blah but it is complete bullshit.  I have not seen if this is a "voluntary" haircut but that is moot.  I also am of the mind set that a 50% haircut will not appease the market gods as the debt instruments in question are already trading at 35-40 cents on the dollar, that is a 60-65% haircut.  I read one well known bear saying the debt holders should accept a 90% hair cut.  Regardless this is going to force all the Euro banks to scramble and find non-public capital to shore themselves up (assuming it is determined to be a credit event)- good luck.

Believe it or not sometimes I can be one twisted, bad person, lol.  The head of IT- who also happens to be a  neighbor as he lives about 2 miles away- is a germaphobe.  I figured this out after being in the mens room a few time at teh same time he was.  He is one o those types who washes his hands and uses hand sanitizer and then uses a paper towel to open the door as he is exiting.  So of course once I got this I started making sure that if we were in there together and finishing at the same time, I'd wash my hands and hold the door for him and then proceed to touch his shoulder, or arm or back or any part of him, lol.  It freaks him out as in he will visibly cringe.  At this point in time he now makes sure if I walk up to the sinks while he is ther ehe rushes like a bat out of Hell to get out of there before I am done.

"American Horror Story" on F/X is one excellently spooky, creepy, fucked up, whacked out show.  I am impressed with several things:  The guys from "Glee" are responsible for it, Jessica Lange is in it and great, Dylan McDermott is in it and shirtless a lot, and Dylan McDermott's ass is really hot...

Since we are in the horror vein- Paranormal Activity 3.  We took the boys to see it this past weekend and it was really good.  There are at least three scenes that I found pretty scary and freaked me out a bit.  If you have seen the first two it is definitely worth it and if you have not it is still a great scary flick to see.  And I was totally psyched it was not in 3D.

I remember Steve Jobs.  When I got my first iPod I was in heaven- until I got the first bill from the iTunes store.  It was pretty outrageous- not like a $200,000 cell phone bill outrageous but close.  Anyhow, I reached out to Mr. Jobs to discuss it and went to his house.  At that time he lived in this really cool glass cube underwater- right next tot he Legion of Doom (a pretty sweet neighborhood).  We came to an agreement tht allowed me to work my bill off...

Why can't the U.S. justice system have a verdict of misadventure?  I read about Amy Winehouse and the coroner rendered a verdict of misadventure in her death- isn't that so British?  Ya know I really could have used an outcome like that during my freshman year of college...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I am still here

Ok, have a bunch of post it notes and lost a bunch too so will go kind of free form today

Breaking the law, posting from work

Totally psyched to see Paranormal Activity 3 this Saturday night

Had a wedding this past weekend, the oldest daughter of very good friend of the husband,  It was a blast.

The fireplace is done, no new projects or a while now.

Want to also see the remake of The Thing but that is not as high a priority as PA3

Karate- sweep the leg!- tonight.  Last week only did first class, took a good shot to the head in last 30 seconds of sparring and that took the wind out of my sails for the second class.  Went Saturday morning and I was one of only two for the classes

Does anyone really give a shit if there is no NBA season this year?


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You got some dirt on your lip...

The weekend was good.  Saturday morning I got up and hit the dojo- sweep the leg!- for two hours.  It was good although joshu kind reprimanded me for not wearing head gear during the ground fighting.  I told him at my age I was not worried about cauliflower ear and I had wrestled for six years and the only time I wore headgear was at matches.  He replied it was his school and he makes everyone else wear them.  Point to joshu.

I got home and got he boys as we had to go back to their mom's house.  Friday night when I picked them up my oldest son's bag was rather heavy.  He had decided to bring his XBox with him for the weekend but he forgot to bring the controllers.  So, we went to his mom's house and got the controllers and then went to BBY to pick up a new copy of Mass Effect 2.  While we were driving there we ended up getting into a political discourse over the differences between liberals and conservatives.  I waxed poetically about how I believe in the legalization of drugs- not conservative, that we need a better system of checking backgrounds for gun buyers- not conservative, clearly same sex marriage- so not conservative, drug testing for welfare recipients- not liberal, pro-choice- not conservative, etc.  The boys were not shocked by any of my stances and said they made sense and my youngest said I should run for Congress- not!

Saturday night I made pizza- both the regular kind and the gluten-free kind.  As we were eating dinner I noticed and said out loud it looks like you'll have to start shaving soon to my oldest.  The husband blurts out no, don't shave, grow the 'stache- it advertises to the girls you have pubes.  Seriously though- WTF is up with that?  My oldest starting to shave?  Next thing I know he'll be driving and wanting to go to college...

This week has already been quite the roller coaster ride.  I will reiterate Greece will default.  It will not be controlled.  It will not be fun.  To that point today the EU finance ministers asked the bank regulators to run yet another "stress test."  Even though they claim their banks are sound,  they want to see what would happen if Greece defaulted- just in case apparently.  If the test does not go with a scenario of 60-70% losses, it is useless.

Sunday the husband and I hit the fireplace project again.  He too off the mantle and we then framed out from the top of the brick to the ceiling.  We used the usual glue and nails and we did not have any major disagreements on how to build the framing.  Yesterday the husband hung the dry wall and it came out well and he got to use a masonry bit drilling into the brick.

Last night was the dojo- Cobra Kai never die!- again for two hours.  I am recovering a bit quicker from the pain but I did get my ass kicked by someone who is two full belts below me, lol.  He had about three inches in height, six inches in reach and at least 20 years on me- not that I am making excuses.

This coming weekend is a long weekend for us.  We had plans to go out to Colorado and go to a dude ranch to celebrate a friend's 40th birthday.  Unfortunately said friend's mother is gravely ill and he cancelled the festivities.  I told the husband I am keeping the days off and making a long weekend.  He was all excited saying he has work for me to do.  I told him to go shit in his hand and make a fist.  I have not had a vacation at all this weekend and I am taking a four day weekend to relax.  I will however chop more wood as it  is relaxing in a Zen-like way.